What Do Your Tears Mean?

I posted this nearly 5 years ago and it is still so very true today

A Man For God

“Jesus Wept”.–John 11:35

Do you cry? Is it more acceptable for a woman to cry than a man? Even as a woman, do you feel weak as a result of crying? If you’re a man, is it unmanly to cry? And if so, are you too manly to do it? The first time I can really remember crying in public was at my Great-Grandma Smith’s funeral. She and I were very close. I used to spend summers while in HS at her house helping with lawn-care, laundry, dishes or whatever she needed done. I spent so much time with her that she came to almost be a second mom to me. Then after graduating, I moved to California. Great-grandma passed away while I was there. I came back for the funeral and I think the hardest part for me was not having been there when she really got sick. I…

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